Monday, March 21, 2016

Black and white

I've spent the 2015-2016 winter with a variety of projects. One of which was trying an old type of photography.   I had heard that vinyl records and film cameras are now the "newest" things going, so I dusted out my old SLR.  It's an Olympus OM-10 and a good camera.  I had stopped using it when I started traveling.  Carrying the camera, lenses, film and assorted other paraphernalia was just too cumbersome on a plane.  So I picked up a range finder and made do instead.  As time progressed, I did too, and moved to digital. 

I like the immediate  gratification of digital photography after my experiments with both color and black and white film.  I also prefer not having to limit my shots and being able to try different angles at the same location without having to check how many exposures I have left.

It's nice to have the paper copies of what I shot, but now, I have those paper copies that I paid for and am now hesitant to throw away--even the duds. 

Black and white was more challenging than I thought it would be.  It seems to work best for patterns, but makes landscapes look a little dreary.  That could be the fault of the photographer though.  And I caught myself sometimes on a crystal aired, blue sky day, whose colors were lost.

Here are a few samples.