Sunday, July 26, 2015

Tower Hill Botonic Garden in high summer

My sister-in-law and I drove out to Central Massachusetts yesterday to visit the day lily exhibit at the Tower Hill Botanic Garden.  It was a lovely summer day, overcast but warm, and not hot.  It was just the perfect day to walk among the various gardens all showing off their full summer glory.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Fruitlands in Summer

I visited Fruitlands Museum with friends this past Sunday afternoon.  It was hot and sunny and I think we all agreed we are thankful to live in the 21st century.

Salem Seaside Garden Stroll

I went to Salem this past weekend with a couple of Lynn friends for the Seaside Garden Stroll.  We saw lovely grounds and great water views. It was a warm day, so we were grateful for the home owners that had set out lemonade.

Here are the photos: