Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Creaking on the Stairs

Emily woke with a start.  At first she didn’t know why, but then she heard the noise again.  Someone was downstairs, and the noise of the stranger’s footsteps creaked up to haunt her.

She had been told this was a safe place, safe from the life she had fallen into.  An abusive boyfriend who had seemed so charming when they first started going out spiraled out of control.  The relationship developed from romance to nightmare after he lost his job and began drinking more steadily.  

The last straw stared back at her when she looked in the mirror.  She now wore a black eye.  Her heart was broken, as well as her spirit.

The creaking stopped, then started again.  Gingerly, she got up and went to the door.  Opening it she was startled by a cat coming into the room.  She gasped out loud and heard the rush of footsteps on the stairs.

Quickly she shut her door, but found it didn’t lock.  She picked up the cat and ran to the closet as Tommy slammed the door open.  He tripped on the throw rug and cursed.  Getting up, he looked for a light.

Emily held the cat and her breath tightly in the closet.  She was wondering why no one else had heard the commotion.  But then she heard voices and they were loud and angry.

Blinded by flashlights held by the other women sleeping in the house, Tommy stepped backward.  He stumbled again on the throw rug and the momentum caused him to flail his arms.  Stepping back and back, trying to regain his balance, his heavy frame met the fragile window, and he fell.  After a loud cry, there was silence.

Emily left the closet and faced the women.  Someone turned on the light, and another said “The police need to be called.”  But no one moved.

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