Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tumbling into Friendship -- Part Two

"We have all wondered what all about you."
Herry sat, and sipped, then said, "I have been
Busy with my business.  I have contacts worldwide.
My life is so hectic, all I hear is din."

Tiny Tunny, curly haired and sprite,
Brought out more cookies.  "But we're right here,"
She said, "Neighbors and would be friends.
Stop a moment, sit awhile, left life become clear."

So Herry and Tunny passed the afternoon;
Mouse in his corner, listening to the talk.
Between the conversation by the fire, the company and the tea,
Herry's mind stopped its hectic run and slowed to a walk.

Evening came without any check marks on lists.
And when Tunny turned on the lights
Herry found he could again rise and stand.
He stood up tall and hit the heights

Of Tuny's tiny ceiling.  He stretched
And said, "Thank you.  I think you've saved me.
You must come to my home for dinner
For conversation, and for tea."

"What about your lists and contacts?" Tunny asked,
Though through a happy smile.
"They'll wait, they'll wait," said Herry.
"Let me linger awhile."

This tumble on a snowy day, unplanned and upended
Became the start of Herry's friendship
With all his neighbors.  Although he started late
He found his most inportant travels had started with a trip.

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